What happened...
THIS is was supposed to be there.
Level: 20
Axe Mastery: 12 (11+1)
Tactics: 12 (10+2)
Inspiration Magic: 10
Inspired Hex (Inspiration Magic)
Remove a Hex from target ally and gain 11 Energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired Hex is replaced with the Hex that was removed.
Energy:5 Cast:1 Recharge:0
Inspired Enchantment (Inspiration Magic)
Remove an Enchantment from target foe and gain 11 Energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired Enchantment is replaced with the Enchantment that was removed from target foe.
Energy:10 Cast:1 Recharge:0
Wild Blow (Warrior other)
Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will result in a critical hit and any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be "blocked" or "evaded."
Energy:5 Cast:0 Recharge:5
Distracting Blow (Warrior other)
Swipe your weapon at the target, dealing no damage but disrupting the target's current action (and the actions of foes adjacent to your target).
Energy:5 Cast:0.5 Recharge:10
Disrupting Chop (Axe Mastery)
If it hits, this attack interrupts the target's current action. If that action was a skill, that skill is disabled for an additional 20 seconds.
Echo [Elite] (Mesmer other)
For 20 seconds, Echo is replaced with the next skill you use. Echo acts as this skill for 20 seconds.
Energy:5 Cast:1 Recharge:30
Healing Signet (Tactics)
You gain 130 Health. You have -40 armor while using this skill.
Energy:0 Cast:2 Recharge:4
Resurrection Signet ()
Resurrect target party member. That party member is returned to life with 100% Health and 25% Energy. You may use this Signet only once per mission.
Energy:0 Cast:3 Recharge:0
For a bit more damage
Inspired Hex (Inspiration Magic)
Remove a Hex from target ally and gain 11 Energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired Hex is replaced with the Hex that was removed.
Energy:5 Cast:1 Recharge:0
Inspired Enchantment (Inspiration Magic)
Remove an Enchantment from target foe and gain 11 Energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired Enchantment is replaced with the Enchantment that was removed from target foe.
Energy:10 Cast:1 Recharge:0
Wild Blow (Warrior other)
Lose all adrenaline. If it hits, this attack will result in a critical hit and any Stance being used by your target ends. This attack cannot be "blocked" or "evaded."
Energy:5 Cast:0 Recharge:5
Distracting Blow (Warrior other)
Swipe your weapon at the target, dealing no damage but disrupting the target's current action (and the actions of foes adjacent to your target).
Energy:5 Cast:0.5 Recharge:10
Leech Signet (Inspiration Magic)
Interrupt target foe's action. If that action was a Spell, you gain 11 Energy.
Energy:0 Cast:0.25 Recharge:45
Eviscerate [Elite] (Axe Mastery)
If Eviscerate hits, you strike for +34 damage and inflict a Deep Wound, lowering your target's maximum Health by 20% for 17 seconds.
Healing Signet (Tactics)
You gain 130 Health. You have -40 armor while using this skill.
Energy:0 Cast:2 Recharge:4
Resurrection Signet ()
Resurrect target party member. That party member is returned to life with 100% Health and 25% Energy. You may use this Signet only once per mission.
Energy:0 Cast:3 Recharge:0
No idea how much it willl work, just something i thought of while fighting Glint on my necro.